


We deliver to every leg law in India through our robust network of numerous delivery gateways and our unique GCC Pvt. Ltd. network. Process enhancement and route optimization is an ongoing process that helps us strengthen our mecca and spoke model. piecemeal from our well- designed mecca and spoke network, we’ve unique, direct and long- distance routes that enable fastest delivery across India.

  • Numerous destinations, spread across 10+ states & union territories of India.
  • Over 2000+ GPS- enabled, all weather-proof, containerized vehicles.
  • More than 257 routes, linked through 89 Transhipment hubs.
  • Delivering more than 134 million packages a year.
  • Traversing over 1,00,000 kms a day.
  • Warehousing space of over 18 million square feet.
  • Operating 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.